Patient Portal
Register for our e-mail and appointment request system, offered in partnership with athenahealth. Registration is relatively quick and easy and will allow you to message us directly and securely with clinical and administrative questions.

New Patient Information Form
In order to begin the process of registering your child as a new patient, please download this short form. When completed, please return to us by mail, e-mail or fax. When received, we will contact you to continue the registration process. Note, please familiarize yourself with our office policies, including our annual fee, before submitting new patient information forms. The fee is due and will be collected prior to making any appointments.

Record Release Authorization
Please use this form to request that a copy of your child’s medical records are forwarded to the Whole Child Center. After downloading and completing the form, please send it directly to your child’s existing doctor’s office, NOT to the Whole Child Center.

Office Policies
For all new patients, you may download our office policies form to review and complete prior to your visit. Please bring it with you to your appointment. This form describes our financial and privacy policies.

Vaccine Information Statements
We strongly support informed consent with regard to all medical procedures in our office, including immunization. To review CDC Vaccine Information Statements listing risks and benefits of particular vaccines, please visit the CDC website. We also encourage you to discuss each and every vaccine with us at your well care visits.